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My first day

Okay, as the title said, this is my first day trying this blogging thingy, hehehe. Phew, what a day, hari ini belanja dekorasi sama Mikie. Saat2 awal sih masih belanja bedua, eh terus pas ke destination akhir kita, yg tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah Home Depot, kita kan dititipin styrofoam sama om Nyoman buat bikin gapura, nah expectation gue ttg a piece of styrofoam itu ya.....just a piece of styrofoam. Dan ternyata that piece of styrofoam is one...huge...bigger-than-a-refridgerator piece of styrofoam...jadi harus nelepon om Nyoman: "Oo..mm... umm..bisa kesini ga?" Hehehe....desperate attempt.
Udah gitu, ditelepon Ucrit, there's another problem alert, he wanted to see if I could help him handle this 'un. Gue kira masalahnya yg gimana bgt, gue udah deg2an aja. Usut punya usut, alhamdulillah not too big. Trus, tried to help the involved parties, and hopefully my attempt generated something good. Nah, yg itu udah selesai, trus ada lagi issue baru..tried to help as I can, want to help as I can, hopefully it'll help.
Life is just becoming more and more interesting. Me and my problems, my friends and their problems. I just hope all these could make us a strong (or should I say, a stronger) bunch.
I love my friends, and now, my time and my ear is the best thing from me that I can give to them. I hope they can get something better, though..I'm so sorry guys, that's the best I could do right now, I hope I can help you guys more.
Duh, udah makin malem makin ngaco aja nih, contact lens udah kering, pula (*blink blink). Bobo aah...