Monday, December 27, 2004

If you love someone...tell them before it's too late

Alex and Merry are sitting
alone in
the park
one night....

Alex: I guess we are the left overs in this

Merry: I think so...All of my friends have
boyfriends and we are only the 2 persons left
this world with out any special person in our

Alex: Yup I don't know what to do

Merry: I know! We'll play a game

Alex: What game?

Merry: i'll be your girl friend for 30 days and
will be my boy friend

Alex: That's a great plan in fact i don't have
nothing to do much this following weeks...

DAY 1:

They watch their first movie and they both
in a romantic film

DAY 4:

They went to the beach and have a
and Merry have their quality time together

DAY 12:

Alex invited Merry to a circus and they
on a Horror House....Merry was scared
she touched Alex's hand but she touched
someone else's hand and they both

DAY 15:

They saw a fortune teller down the road and
asked for their future advice and the fortune
said: "My darling, Please don't waste the time
your life...Spend the rest of your time together
happily" Then tears flow out from the teller's

DAY 20:

Merry invited Alex to go to the hill and
saw a meteor...Merry mumbled something

DAY 28:

They sat on the bus and because of a bumby
Merry gave her first kiss to Alex by

DAY 29:


Merry and Alex sat in the park where
first decided to play this game...

Alex: I'm tired Merry...Do you want any
drinks? I'll buy you one.. I'll just go down the

Merry: Apple Juice that's all

Alex: Wait for me....

20mins later... a stranger approached

Stranger: Are you a friend of Alex?

Merry: Why yes? What happened?

Stranger: A reckless drunken driver ran over
Alex and he is critical in the hospital


The doctor went out of the emergency room
he handed out an apple juice and a letter

Doctor: We found this in Alex's pocket

Merry reads the letter and it says:

Merry, This past few days, i realized you
really cute girl and i am really falling for
cherish smile your everything when we
game..... Before this game would end...I
you to be my girl friend for the rest of my
love you Merry....

Merry crumples the paper and shouted:

"Alex ! i don't want you to die... I love
you...Remember that night when we saw a
meteor, I mumbled something... I mumbled
that I
wish we would be together forever and never
this game. Please don't leave me Alex... I
you! You cannot do this to me!"

Then the clock strikes 12

Alex's heart stop pumping



Always love your loved ones and show them
how you feel before it is too late...You will
know when they will be gone from your
you were given a time to bestow petals of
everlasting compassion and love to your
ones? Today is the day....Love them while
are still here...

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

hard decision...

Man...I sure wish that I can have the ability to come up with a solution like this..I wish I could be as wise..

Sekelompok anak kecil sedang bermain di
dua jalur kereta api.

Jalur yg pertama adalah jalur aktif (masih
sering dilewati KA),sementara jalur kedua
tidak aktif.

Hanya seorang anak yg bermain di jalur yg
aktif (tidak pernah lagi dilewati KA),
sementara lainnya bermain di jalur
KA yg masih aktif.

Tiba-tiba terlihat ada kereta api yg mendekat
dgn kecepatan tinggi,
dan kebetulan Anda berada di depan panel
persimpangan yg mengatur arah KA tsb.

Apakah Anda akan memindahkan arah KA tsb
jalur sdh tidak aktif dan menyelamatkan
besar anak kecil yg sedang bermain ?

Namun hal ini berarti Anda mengorbankan
anak yang sedang bermain di jalur KA yg tidak
Atau Anda akan membiarkan kereta tsb berada
jalur yg seharusnya?

Mari berhenti sejenak dan berpikir keputusan
apa yang sebaiknya kita ambil ?

Pikirkan baik-baik jawaban Anda...., dan setelah

Anda yakin dengan jawaban Anda, baru Anda
teruskan membaca ke bawah.











Sebagian besar orang akan memilih untuk
memindahkan arah kereta dan hanya
mengorbankan jiwa seorang anak.
Anda mungkin memiliki pilihan yg sama
karena dgn menyelamatkan sebagian besar
hanya kehilangan seorang anak adalah sebuah
keputusan yg rasional dan dpt dianggap baik
secara moral maupun emosional.

Namun sadarkah Anda bhw anak yg memilih
bermain di jalur KA yg sudah tidak aktif,
berada di pihak yg benar karena telah memilih
untuk bermain di tempat yg aman?

Di samping itu, dia harus dikorbankan justru
Krn kecerobohan teman2nya yang bermain di

Dilema semacam ini terjadi di sekitar kita
setiap hari.
Di sekolah, di kampus, di kantor, di keluarga, di
masyarakat, bahkan di dunia politik.

Pihak minoritas harus dikorbankan demi
kepentingan mayoritas.
Tidak peduli betapa bodoh dan cerobohnya
mayoritas tersebut.

Nyawa seorang anak yang memilih untuk tidak
bermain bersama teman-temannya di jalur KA
berbahaya telah dikesampingkan.
Dan bahkan mungkin kita tidak akan
kejadian tersebut.

Salah satu Indo_Amrik Crew yg men-forward
cerita ini
berpendapat bahwa dia tidak akan mengubah
laju kereta karena dia percaya anak-anak yang
bermain di jalur KA yang masih aktif
sangat sadar bahwa jalur tersebut masih aktif.

Akibatnya mereka akan segera lari ketika
mendengar suara kereta mendekat.
Jika arah laju kereta diubah ke jalur
yg tidak aktif maka seorang anak yg sedang
bermain di jalur tsb pasti akan tewas, krn dia
tidak pernah berpikir bhw kereta akan menuju
jalur tsb.

Disamping itu, alasan sebuah jalur KA
dinonaktifkan kemungkinan karena
jalur tersebut sudah tidak aman.

Bila arah laju kereta diubah ke jalur yang
tidak aktif,maka kita telah membahayakan
seluruh penumpang di dalam kereta.

Dan mungkin langkah yang telah ditempuh
menyelamatkan sekumpulan anak dengan
seorang anak, akan mengorbankan lagi ratusan
nyawa penumpang di kereta tersebut.

Kita harus sadar bahwa hidup ini penuh dengan
keputusan sulit yg hrs dibuat.

Dan mungkin kita tdk akan menyadari bhw
keputusan yang cepat tdk selalu menjadi
yg benar.

Satu lagi yang perlu diingat.... !!!

Sesuatu yang benar tidak selalu disukai dan
sesuatu yang disukai tidak selalu benar ....

By : Indo_Amrik Crew

Monday, December 13, 2004

What Angel? Dagnabit! Hi hi hi

people...people...people...tsk tsk tsk..
Even after 22 years of living, and eventually knowing, it never ceases to amaze me of how imperfect we are.
Well...despite of all the imperfections there are in the world, I just want to discuss one thing that kinda bugs me for this past month..(or year, even?)
Do you know some people who seem to strive to be seen as "nice" for the world to see?
The kind of people who would leave their garbage for others (or maybe, for people who they call their "best friends") to take care of, just so the world would only see the good side of them, and not their flaws?
This kind of people rely on having so-called good friends who are outspoken and, may I say, braver than them, so these "nice" people can simply talk to their good friends about their problems, and expect their good friends will take care of the garbage for them?
And as you could have already guessed, their good friends will become the bad guy for the world to see.
Sometimes the "bad guys" don't realize it at all that they're being pathetically used by their so-called good friends. And even if they eventually realize it, it will already be too late. They've already become the bad guy to the world. And nobody wants to listen to the bad guy, of course. Their revelation will be viewed as jealousy to others. :)
However, I myself, can't say that I blame those devilish "angels". I mean, who doesn't want to be liked by others? It does make your life so damn easier, now doesn't it? I want to be liked by others too, of course! But somehow, outangel-ing (don't protest, this isn't a word but I know you know what I'm saying ;p) people is just not worth it.
My conscience is a killer! I'd rather sleep peacefully at night.
Oh and by the way, I'm in a totally Zen mode right now (hehehe). And I'm not writing this in a state of anger or anything. This is just something for us to think and discuss about.

A Visionary :)

You Are a Visionary Soul

You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness.
Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connect to your soul.
You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable.
Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.

You have great vision and can be very insightful.
In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself.
Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend.
You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul