Thursday, October 28, 2004

Tuna Wrap Update

Remember the tuna wrap?
Well, since I was so happy with it yesterday, I craved for some more today. Jadi ke Nosh lagi, pesen itu...trus while preparing it...the koki said something, trus she accidentally spit on my wrap......Needn't say more..oh and by the way, don't ask if I ate it or not, k?
Whyy....yy? *tears

Response buat blognya Sigit--bullies?

Baru aja selesai nonton film di ABC Family tadi. Judulnya Hangman's Curse. Ceritanya ttg legenda salah seorang anak high school namanya Abel Frye. He hanged himself because of the bullies. Tiap hari dia dikerjain terus ama bullies di high school itu, dilemparin telor, diketawain, dll. Years later, ponakannya Abel (yg gayanya jg nerdy2 gitu), Sherman, bikin revenge ke bullies di sekolah itu. Dia bikin legend bahwa hantunya Abel bakal ngehantuin bullies di sekolah. Gejalanya, pertama2 mereka bakal dapet grafiti hangman di locker mereka, bbrp waktu kemudian terus mereka bakal ngeliat hantu Abel, trus coma, until finally they'll die.
Trus ada sekeluarga detektif yg ditugasin buat investigate ini, anaknya 2, satu cewek satu cowok, yg cewek disuruh berperan jd yg cool, yg cowok jd nerd (even though he's a cute as hell nerd, pake kacamata, love him..pinter berantem lagi, tapi ga show off, my kind of guy exactly...sigh...), bapaknya jd janitor sekolah, ibunya jd nurse di klinik sekolah.
Ternyata, ujung2nya, legend ttg Abel itu cuma buatan Sherman. Dia manfaatin anak2 bergaya punk (tp aneh, pd defenseless gitu?!) yg sehari2 jadi bulan2an bullies ( jockeys). Sherman bikin mereka percaya sama hantu Abel yg bakal ngebales semua perbuatan bullies itu. Ternyata bullies2 yg coma dikasih racun spider campur pheromones yg bisa bikin hallucination, coma, trus death.
Things got out of hand, spidernya yg tadinya cuma seekor, trus ketemu male spider, they mate, the female ate the male after they mate as usual (for spiders, gituu), trus menghasilkan beribu2 poisonous spider laen.
Wow...things that happened because of bullying..

Hh....that beautiful nerd.......
eh, agak2 besides the point, sori2 ;p hehehehe

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Happy Pills in Disguise

This afternoon, I ate lunch with my ol' bro. Unhappy with the thought of having to eat lunch at the Nosh today. What to do...I don't have si Belang with me today, so I have no other choice, either eat Nosh's crappy food or starve. For those who know me, you guys should be able to guess what I chose. I chose to eat (even though I'm sure it's going to be tasteless burger or cardboard-flavored turkey/roast beef slices).
Ok, trus I entered the Nosh, raised one of my eyebrow, sighed, and then looked at the Deli, the Pizza section, and then at the Panini Fresca. I decided Panini Fresca will be my gourmet choice for today, since I've never had anything from that part of the Nosh. Trus gue pesen tuna sandwich, orangnya nanya: Do you want it with bread? I said: yup.. Soalnya gue liat di displaynya tuna sandwichnya ada yg pake wrap instead of bread, I wasn't sure it'll be better tasting than bread, so bread it is. Wait for 50 seconds, got the wrap....not the bread....Too lazy to protest, I took it, grab a bottle of water, go to the cashier, grab a bag of Ruffles on my way, pay a whuppin' $6 sumthin for them. Sigh again.
And then, I finally got a chance to take a bite from that tuna wrap. I stopped. This tastes good! Actually, it tastes awesome! and the self-made potato chips, they're awesome!
And then you know what, after being depressed for a couple of weeks, this experience is actually made me feel better! Just ask my koko kalo ga percaya. It was the weirdest thing, deh..I think they put something in that tuna.
As I said to my koko before, it's funny how a delicious tuna wrap can actually make someone feel good.
I had no faith at all in the Nosh since I kept getting bad experiences with them. Just when I thought they were hopeless, suddenly they have this tuna wrap! I didn't even order it, it just came to me like a blessing in disguise.
So I guess the lesson for today is: Sometimes when you think that this world is hopeless, and you've lost faith in it, you can be wrong. Nosh's tuna wrap has told me that hope still exists and you should never give up on something, especially if it's something that you love (in this case, food). So, if you love something, it can surprise you where you can get it in places you've never thought possible.
Yep, I gotta tell you, I owe the Nosh today (sambil ngangguk2).

Friday, October 22, 2004

Manusia bahagia bila...

Manusia bahagia bila ia bisa membuka mata.
Untuk menyadari bahwa ia memiliki banyak hal yang berarti.
Manusia bisa bahagia bila ia mau membuka mata hati.
Untuk menyadari, betapa ia dicintai.
Manusia bisa bahagia, bila ia mau membuka diri.
Agar orang lain bisa mencintainya dengan tulus.

Manusia tidak bahagia karena tidak mau membuka hati,
berusaha meraih yang tidak dapat diraih,
memaksa untuk mendapatkan segala yang diinginkan,
tidak mau menerima dan mensyukuri yang ada.
Manusia buta karena egois dan hanya memikirkan diri,
tidak sadar bahwa ia begitu dicintai,
tidak sadar bahwa saat ini, apa yang ada adalah baik,
selalu berusaha meraih lebih, dan tidak mau sadar karena serakah.
Ada teman yang begitu mencintai,
namun tidak diindahkan, karena memilih, menilai dan menghakimi sendiri.
Memilih teman dan mencari-cari, padahal di depan mata ada teman yang sejati.
Telah memiliki segala yang terbaik, namun serakah, ingin dirinya yang paling diperhatikan, paling disayang, selalu menjadi pusat perhatian, selalu dinomorsatukan.
Padahal, semua manusia memiliki peranan,
hebat dan nomor satu dalam satu hal, belum tentu dalam hal lain,
dicintai oleh satu orang belum tentu oleh orang lain.
Kebahagiaan bersumber dari dalam diri kita sendiri.
Jikalau berharap dari orang lain, maka bersiaplah untuk ditinggalkan,
bersiaplah untuk dikhianati.
Kita akan bahagia bila kita bisa menerima diri apa adanya,
mencintai dan menghargai diri sendiri,
mau mencintai orang lain, dan mau menerima orang lain.
Percayalah kepada Tuhan, dan bersyukurlah kepada-Nya,
bahwa kita selalu diberikan yang terbaik sesuai usaha kita, tak perlu berkeras hati.
Ia akan memberi kita di saat yang tepat apa yang kita butuhkan,
meskipun bukan hari ini, masih ada esok hari.
Berusaha dan bahagialah karena kita dicintai begitu banyak orang.

and by the way....ehm..ini bukan tulisan gue juga. hehe ...just thought that this one's a good piece...hehe..jadi malu

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Conversation of Two Hearts

Part I: The Message
If you see me walking the road with someone else
It's not because I like his company
Its because you're not brave enough to walk beside me.
If you hear me talking about him all the time
Its not because he pleases me
Its because you're too deaf to hear my heartbeat
If you feel me falling with someone new
Its not because I love him
Because you're not there to catch me fall
If you feel lost, I too am nowhere
I too don't know where the road is going
Are we gonna cross each other's path
Or just completely turn around?
Will we just let go of what we had
Or go to the place where love is bound
Don't let me walk with him
It's you I want to walk with
Don't let me talk of him
It's you I want to talk with
Don't let me fall for him
It's you I want to fall in love with.
Part II: The Answer
When you thought I wasn't brave enough to walk beside you
I was behind you every step of the way
Still filled with awe because of the beauty that stands before me
When you thought I was too deaf to hear your heartbeat
I didn't want to assume anything
And I was afraid to lose our friendship
When you thought I wasn't there to catch you
It was because you never gave me the chance
You never reached the bottom, you've already grabbed a branch
If you feel like you are nowhere, I too am lost
I too don't know where the road is going
Are we just going to turn around,
Or are we gonna cross each other's path?
Will we just let go of what we had
Or go to the place where love is bound?
Don't let me walk alone
I want to walk by your side
Don't let me talk of something else
It's you I want to talk with
Don't let me fall for someone else
It's you I want to fall in love with.

you, culprit you..

Can't think of a better title ah..
Abis saur sambil nunggu siap2 mo kerja. Just sitting here, thinking.
Quite some years ago, I wondered, how does it feel when you have a big problem which actually caused by someone else, not your fault, but you're the one who end up having to solve it yourself and being seen as the one's responsible while the culprit actually gets away with it and go about his merry way?
Now, I kinda have a pre...tty good idea on how does it feels.
However, the second question is, is it really someone else's fault? What if the err's mine? Hayo loo..
Fortunately, I actually have some idea on how to solve the problem (finally! a good night sleep does wonder, hehe). Just need some help from some buddies (I'll contact you guys later, skrg masih subuh, hehehehe). Bantuin yaaa...thanks sebelomnya!
But again, I still have the responsibility to tell the person that there are problems because of his decision. The truth is, I don't want to have anything else to do with him...! Kapo..k deh kapok..But I have to. Trying to make everybody happy. we go agaii..nn...

duh tenggorokan jg gatel euy, udah serak2..kayaknya ketularan yg pd lg batuk deh...hiks

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Lagi seneng, hehehe

Hari ini (sebenernya dari kemaren sih) gue lagi happy. Why? soalnya semua udah selesai, ujian beres, debat beres, paper beres, etc etc juga beres deh ;)
Cuma aja kemaren pagi gue dimulai dgn gawat. 2 malem yg lalu tu yah, gue lg siap2 belajar buat ujian sama debate. Jam 1-an, mata udah mulai berat, akhirnya pas gue ga kuat lagi, pasang weker di HP buat bangun jam 3 am, terus lanjutin belajar bablas ampe sekolah soalnya gue emang kerja jam 7 pagi anyway. Next, akhirnya gue bangun, kiceup2, liat jam dinding: 7:28 am.....masih belom nyadar, kiceup2 sekali lagi, masih 7:28. Beberapa detik kemudian, gue langsung tegak ambil scream: Kyaaaa!!! Gue kerja jam tujuuuuuh..!!!!!
Langsung deh telepon David, bilang gue overslept, I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Nyampe ke kampus jam 7:45...Mampus dee......udah siap2 dimarahin aja gue. Mana belajarnya masih belom selesai, lagi. Gue masih harus ngafalin 7 chapter + 3 case studies lagi! Inget itu, jadi pengen nangis rasanya, gue udah kedip2 lagi gitu untung ga sampe nangis abis kan malu2in! hehehe...
Untungnya, gue ga dimarahin, bos gue ga bilang apa2, schedulernya juga malah ngehibur gue. "Don't worry, you should be glad because that means you had more sleep." Mungkin pada kesian juga kali ya liat muka gue udah ancur2an, hehehehe. Tapi sebenernya gue sampe sekarang masih deg2an sih, masih nunggu dimarahin...masa sih ga dimarahin? padahal yg namanya telat di kerjaan gue itu big deal banget, tanya aja Sigit ama Wulan.
Anyway, setelah itu semua selesai, ujian gue kelar and debate gue juga wasn't as bad as my group expected, rasanya legaaaaaa banget.
Trus abis itu gue buka agenda gue, cek jadwal buat minggu depan. I have never seen anything so beautiful before. Blank pages....such bliss...hehehehe


Knightettes of Bloggaria Part II

One day, the five knightettes were riding their beautiful stallions to the palace of Lady Hanidyana, the head sorceress of Bloggaria. She was the one who found the hidden power of the knightettes when they were born. Lady Hanidyana had traveled through Bloggaria in search of the future knightettes.
It all began when one night she received a message from the Spirit of the Stallions through her dream, that she must find a group of fair maidens that will guard Bloggaria and maintain their prosperity. A group of spiritual strength and magic she must find.
On the second night she received another message. She found out that her duty was to lead the knightettes, guide them, and train them.
"Go to the North where the earth almost touches the sky to find the daughter of knowledge. Go to the East where the flower and oat covered valley spreads to find the daughter of beauty. Go to the South where the earth is abundant with the warmth of light and the creature of earth grow facilely to find the daughter of honesty. Go to the West where Goddesses bathes in the stream of rivers and waterfalls, sprinkled by the colors of the rainbow to find the daughter of innocence. Go to the Northwest where the ocean sing the sounds of mother nature, glittering like a thousand diamonds strewn accross a blue blanket to find the daughter of purity. Guide them and let them become what they were destined to be!"
Then Lady Hanidyana began her journey. Everywhere she went, all people bowed whenever she passed by, riding her white stallion. Even people from parts of the world far away from Bloggaria knew she possessed nobility much higher than common people. She was respected and loved by all
After she found the five knightettes in different places troughout the world, she trained them, teached them knowledges not known to any others, and the most important thing, she thaught them compassion and respect for any living being in the world. All of the knightettes love Lady Hanidyana very much, and she was the person who the knightettes look up to when they need answers for anything.


Gue lagi di tempat kerja di South campus........, IT'S FRIGGIN' COLD IN HERE..!!
Some people just have no sense! Turning on the air conditioner (and, should I say, full blast!) in a weather like this! Ga cukup dingin apa diluar sampe diruangan ac dinyalain, ga kira2. Ini jari gue udah biru2 bginihh.....! No common sense, no common sense at all. Ga nyadar kali ye bahwa nggak semua orang berasal dari kutub utara...huh...!

Monday, October 11, 2004

the story of paper and friend

Gue lagi bingung, di tengah2 lagi bikin paper, muncul pertanyaan2 yg ga ada hubungannya ama paper gue (4 more pages to goo...!). Kebiasaan deh suka mikir yg ga penting (spt kata Cochie, hehehe).
Anyway, ada yg pernah ngerasain ga sih, klo kita udah deket banget sama seseorang, lama2 malah bingung, kita ini masih dianggap sebagai salah satu orang terdekatnya, atau malah dianggap sebagai musuh? Dunno deh...seems that my every move, my every word, sering banget dianggap nyerang padahal ga maksud tuh. Cuma care kok, nggak niat nyakitin. Bener deh.
Dengan kita jadi sahabat seseorang, itu artinya apa yah.....? Kadang2 care satu pihak itu susah sih. Walopun nggak impossible, tapi tetep aja ga enak. Disuruh ngertiin keadaan seseorang, tapi kalo nggak reciprocate, kayaknya agak2 sad juga. Tapi gak papa sih, gue coba ngertiin kok. Walaupun sebenernya gue bingung juga harus gimana. Sumpah deh bingung bangeeet...!
Oh well, the story of my life gitu sih kayanya. Selama ini sih, baru satu yang bener2 gue rasain unconditional lovenya buat gue, my best friend Ika. Bener2 itu anak sih sahabat sejati deh pokoknya. Jadi kangen, dikau dimana oiiiii! Selaen dia itu sahabat gue, Ika itu the most beautiful girl I've ever known deh pokoknya, setara ama Angelina Jolie. Kalo lagi jalan ama dia aja, cowok2 pasti pada nengok lagi, hehehehe. Miss u, girl....
Ok lanjut, hehe. Asli euy gue bener2 takut jgn2 sekarang gue ga dianggep sebagai orang terdekatnya lagi..soalnya kayaknya udah hampir nggak ada lagi cerita2 hidupnya dia yg gue tau. Cerita idup gue juga kayaknya of no concern lagi buat dia, "asal gue masih idup, alive and well mah ya...baguslah, no need the detail, oh and stay out of my life as well." I think that's how dia mikirnya sekarang deh.
Yang gue observe sih, makin hari kayaknya dia makin baek ke temen2nya yang laen. Yang ini bikin gue bangga ama dia, makin care ama dia. On the other hand, klo ke gue kok kayanya malah yg makin hari dia makin keganggu gitu, bingung gue, salah apa ya (kruk kruk kruk --> garuk2 kepala lagi)? Beneran sensitif banget loh, with, like I said, my every word, my every move. Sekarang tiap hari rasanya kayak jalan diatas land mine, salah langkah dikit udah ada bom yg siap buat meledak. Gosong deh. Hehehehehe
Ya bedoa aja deh gue, biar dikasih strength buat jalan2 di land mine nya. Angep aja tour, hehe. Biar gue bisa bangkit terus everytime I stepped on a bomb, lanjutin tournya ;p

Saturday, October 09, 2004

To study or not to study....

Yep, that's the question. Minggu depan teh yah, hina dina banget. Banyak tugas ama ulangan. Tadinya mo janjian dugem ama Wulan minggu depan. Tapi beberapa jam kemudian ada yg ngingetin bahwasanya minggu depan itu udah mulai bulan puasa. dugem then ;p
Kalo diliat dari jadwal gue, seharusnya sekarang gue udah tenggelam diantara buku2. But no, instead of studying, I'm blogging. And after blogging, you would think that I finally come to my senses and start studying, wouldn't you? Noo....already have a plan. Mo ngegedein sims gue, masih tumbuh tu dia. Sekarang dia udah punya 3 cowok, hihi amit2 ye.
So. belajarnya kapan dong?
I'd saay...that's a good question. Karena gue juga nggak tau jawabannya. Kayaknya sih nggak akan dalam waktu dekat.
So. Who's the queen of procrastinating? Mee...e! I know I know, shouldn't be something to be proud of :p hehehehe
*abis bengong, garuk garuk kepala
kruk kruk kruk....

Friday, October 08, 2004

4:48pm...40 minutes away from having fun...!

Yep, sekarang tepatnya gue 40 menit lagi dari selesainya jam kerja gue yg lebih lama dr biasanya. Biasanya gue cabut jam 5, sekarang harus stay ampe jam 5:30 gara2 ada kelas yg baru selesai jam segitu and ga ada satupun org dr tempat kerja gue yang bisa stay. Jadinya..yaudah deh..
Tadi David mampir ke kantor, pake kruk, kaki kirinya dibebat pake perban gueddeee banget! I think he's doing ok though.
Eh Mbak Hani, website yg banyak banget yang muji tuh! Termasuk supervisor aku si David itu. Dia termasuk salah satu komputer geek gitu (yaiyalah, kerjanya aja di instructional computing, hehe). Dia ama Douglas (yg kerja dibawah dia) seneng bgt ama websitenya, dia bilang profesional banget, dia nanya siapa yg bikin, professional web developer bukan? Trus aku kasih liat aja fotonya mbak Hani, hehehe. Jadi ikut bangga, hehehe.
Kangen ama Jibraa...n..! hiks :'(

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Knightettes of Bloggaria

lagi nggak ada kerjaan apa2 ni disini, 2 jam lagi waktunya gue pulang. kemaren di kelas liat t-shirt yang dipake salah satu classmate gue, di bagian belakangnya tulisannya "knightettes", itu berarti female knights bukan ya (maaph agak2 retard ;p)?
Jadi kebayang2 ide dongeng..

A long..long time ago, there was a beautiful island called Bloggaria. In that island lived 5 knightettes whose duty is to protect Bloggarians. Each of the knightettes had special power of her own. The first power was the power of cunningness and intelligence, posessed by Lady Dianaris. She was the one who kept the minds of the Bloggarians sharp and inspired. The second was the power of beauty and grace, posessed by Lady Ethina. Her duty was to keep Bloggaria beautiful from the inside out, including the people who lived there. The third power was the power of honesty and happiness (or, maybe one would say, grooviness). This was the duty of Lady Wilanya, she was the one who keep the Bloggarians' honesty, she's also the one who made parties in Bloggaria alive. And then, there was Lady Tatriana. She posessed the power of spiritual strength and innocence. Lady Tatriana was responsible in supporting Bloggarians' spiritual health and purity of their minds. And then the last one, Lady Amadhea, she posessed the power of justice and comfort. Lady Amadhea was in charge of keeping everything in Bloggaria fair. Bloggarians also turn to her for comfort and guidance.

You guys know who you are.... ;p
Hehehe, semoga gue ga offend siapa2. jangan pada marah yaa, ini gue cuma lg overly imaginative aja.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


hari ini gue bener2 ngantuk abis....napa ya? emg sih tidurnya cuma bentar, tapi biasanya juga gitu dan gapapa tuh...
Hari ini aja (hoaaa...hemm....) di kelas pertama gue ampir ketiduran, di kelas kedua ampir ketiduran, di kelas ketiga juga (mana di kelas yg ketiga ini, pake mati2in lampu segala sambil masang lilin2 wangi di meja2 gitu). Untung waktu kelas ke3 masangnya film serem, ttg pagan witches di eropa abad keberapaa....gitu (I snoozed waktu videonya ngomongin ttg background historynya, hehehe jd malu). Gue bangunnya pas denger suara2 cewek tereak kesakitan, nangis2, seremm! Trus sambil lampu dimatiin gitu, (hoaa....hmmm) kita disuruh ngelukis pake cat air. dipinjemin cat air sama gurunya yg modelnya anak2 sd gitu, yg udah ada di palet bulet2, tadinya gue ga tau cara pakenya gimana, but finally I figured it out.

Monday, October 04, 2004

no title whatsoever deh

Du-uh...kenapa ya perasaan tiap hari adaa....aja yg nggak2. Can't have a moment of peace. Kalo lagi bt gini butuh banget temen curhat, tapi akhir2 ini, saking seringnya bt (gara2 almost every day, something always goes wrong), sampe bingung mo curhatnya juga gimana. Kasian yg dicurhatin, malah jadinya ntar capek problem gue ga abis2, hehehe.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Indo nite selesai...! oh works..speeding tickets!! adoooh

Pertama2, gue mau bersyukur dulu karna acara Indonesian Night 2004 udah selesai, and I can say it was a success..! Yaay...! kerja keras kita semua nggak sia2...
Gue juga seneng banget temen2 dari Chicago udah bantuin bikin acara ini terwujud. Thank you buat semuanya, you guys are the best!
Booklet yg susah payah dibikin Edhy ama Fari juga sukses, buktinya, waktu beres2 pas acara udah selesai, nggak ada booklet2 yang bertebaran di lantai/ditinggalin di kursi. Berarti bookletnya dihargain doong...! =)
Kemaren malem pas pada bantuin beres2 di rumah gue...gue ketiduran diatas...jadi malu nggak ikut bantuin.....Sorry euy, nggak sengaja, tau2 gue udah ketiduran and next thing I know, gue bangun jam 9, and ternyata I slept on the floor..malu2in ih kayak yg drunk aja, hehehe...

Hari ini gue ke temple ditemenin ama ko Freddy and Pop (my Thai friend). Adit Cochie Etha tdnya masuk, tapi sampe di pintu depan langsung balik lagi ke mobil, nunggu 1 1/2 jam sampe gue selesai ngobrol sama monksnya.
Eh tau gak kenapa hari ini gue dianter Adit? Gue kena speeding tickett....!! I was driving 42 on a 30 speed limit range. Udah gitu ternyata proof of insurance gue expired, doh (like Homer ;p)!! Untungnya polisinya kayanya lagi nggak bad mood jadinya dia nggak write ticket buat yg insurance, jd yg speeding aja. ktanya kalo dia sampe write yg insurance, SIM gue bisa di confiscate selama 6 bulan. oh nooooo.... Tapi ini juga SIM gue udah diembat gitu ama pak polisinya, tapi katanya bisa gue ambil begitu gue bayar dendanya/ke court....dangit..! Besok mo dianter mas Hep ke lawyer sih...cuma gue teh lagi males ngapa2in, tugas banyak, eh ini tambah satu urusan lagi....I think my lucky star still shines, tapi agak2 burem aja deh, hehehe. Mungkin ini hukuman buat gue gara2 overslept while the others were cleaning....hiks
Hari ini gue nonton abis dr temple, nonton The Forgotten, staring Julianne Moore...agak2 kecewa sih ama filmnya soalnya itu film serius. Tapi yang laen sih pada suka, mungkin gara2 aku nontonnya not in the right mood aja kali ya..I should've watched Shark Tale instead euy...
Si Ucrit malem ini lagi kesel soalnya dia ga bisa buka link buat tugas. And tugasnya due tomorrow, hehehe kesian tu anak. Jangan sedih ya, dek...masih banyak tugas2 lain yang bisa kamu kerjain kok, including mine ;p
Udah ah bikin pr lagi,