Conversation of Two Hearts
Part I: The Message
If you see me walking the road with someone else
It's not because I like his company
Its because you're not brave enough to walk beside me.
If you hear me talking about him all the time
Its not because he pleases me
Its because you're too deaf to hear my heartbeat
If you feel me falling with someone new
Its not because I love him
Because you're not there to catch me fall
If you feel lost, I too am nowhere
I too don't know where the road is going
Are we gonna cross each other's path
Or just completely turn around?
Will we just let go of what we had
Or go to the place where love is bound
Don't let me walk with him
It's you I want to walk with
Don't let me talk of him
It's you I want to talk with
Don't let me fall for him
It's you I want to fall in love with.
Part II: The Answer
When you thought I wasn't brave enough to walk beside you
I was behind you every step of the way
Still filled with awe because of the beauty that stands before me
When you thought I was too deaf to hear your heartbeat
I didn't want to assume anything
And I was afraid to lose our friendship
When you thought I wasn't there to catch you
It was because you never gave me the chance
You never reached the bottom, you've already grabbed a branch
If you feel like you are nowhere, I too am lost
I too don't know where the road is going
Are we just going to turn around,
Or are we gonna cross each other's path?
Will we just let go of what we had
Or go to the place where love is bound?
Don't let me walk alone
I want to walk by your side
Don't let me talk of something else
It's you I want to talk with
Don't let me fall for someone else
It's you I want to fall in love with.
That's some really nice writing, hiks...hiks... *beneran terharu lho* =) So what happens in the end?
Posted by
~hApsARi |
8:22 AM
Tsk..tsk...tsk.... *sampe speechless bacanya*
Posted by
Fari Nasution |
5:11 PM
Mande..itu si culprit teh siapa.butuh bantuan nggak...*sambil menyingsingkan lengan baju*..hehehe..
Btw, baru baca yang Knightettes of Bloggaria yang part II nya..hihi..tapi sepertinya si lady hanidyana itu overrated sekali ya..hehe...
Posted by
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7:27 PM
Etha: Pada akhirnya, mereka bedua tetep nggak cross path. It's just destiny, nasib...nasib..tck tck ctk..
Fari: Napa Far? hehehehe
Mbak Hani: Yee...mbak, mo overrated gimana atuh, yang kebayangnya waktu itu ya gitu, hihihi ;p
Trus si Culprit teh...duh ga tau deh. Sekarang sih udah ga kesel2 amat. But thanks for the support (ini buat yg laen juga), it really helps!
Posted by
Amanda Supriadi |
8:39 PM
Mandaaaaaaaaa.. daleeemmm.. BAGUS BANGET!!!! Hiks.. hiks.. sedih, bagus, ngenaaaaa duh Ibuuuu.. bakat sekali dikau nulis..
Posted by
wulan |
9:06 PM
WOW KEREN........................................... Dua jempol tangan ditambah dua jempol kaki buat kakak!!!!!!
Posted by
Cygyt |
10:15 PM
WAAA....!! Aduh2 ini salah paham ini..! Ini bukan gue yang nulis, cuma aja temen gue ada yg kirim ini di bullboard friendster, trus isinya bagus banget menurut gue, jadinya ya gue copy paste, gituuu...! So, props for the writer from me and my friends, good job, writer, wherever you are! hehehehe
Posted by
Amanda Supriadi |
5:57 AM
Manda..hehe...maksud saya overrated tuh if it's any implication of me gitu lho..hehehe..geer aja ya gue..hihihi. Tapi kalau memang hanya khayalan sih ya udaah..nggak pa pa..bagus malah..hehe..Di tunggu yang part III nya ya...
Posted by
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11:50 AM