Knightettes of Bloggaria
lagi nggak ada kerjaan apa2 ni disini, 2 jam lagi waktunya gue pulang. kemaren di kelas liat t-shirt yang dipake salah satu classmate gue, di bagian belakangnya tulisannya "knightettes", itu berarti female knights bukan ya (maaph agak2 retard ;p)?
Jadi kebayang2 ide dongeng..
A long..long time ago, there was a beautiful island called Bloggaria. In that island lived 5 knightettes whose duty is to protect Bloggarians. Each of the knightettes had special power of her own. The first power was the power of cunningness and intelligence, posessed by Lady Dianaris. She was the one who kept the minds of the Bloggarians sharp and inspired. The second was the power of beauty and grace, posessed by Lady Ethina. Her duty was to keep Bloggaria beautiful from the inside out, including the people who lived there. The third power was the power of honesty and happiness (or, maybe one would say, grooviness). This was the duty of Lady Wilanya, she was the one who keep the Bloggarians' honesty, she's also the one who made parties in Bloggaria alive. And then, there was Lady Tatriana. She posessed the power of spiritual strength and innocence. Lady Tatriana was responsible in supporting Bloggarians' spiritual health and purity of their minds. And then the last one, Lady Amadhea, she posessed the power of justice and comfort. Lady Amadhea was in charge of keeping everything in Bloggaria fair. Bloggarians also turn to her for comfort and guidance.
You guys know who you are.... ;p
Hehehe, semoga gue ga offend siapa2. jangan pada marah yaa, ini gue cuma lg overly imaginative aja.
Jadi kebayang2 ide dongeng..
A long..long time ago, there was a beautiful island called Bloggaria. In that island lived 5 knightettes whose duty is to protect Bloggarians. Each of the knightettes had special power of her own. The first power was the power of cunningness and intelligence, posessed by Lady Dianaris. She was the one who kept the minds of the Bloggarians sharp and inspired. The second was the power of beauty and grace, posessed by Lady Ethina. Her duty was to keep Bloggaria beautiful from the inside out, including the people who lived there. The third power was the power of honesty and happiness (or, maybe one would say, grooviness). This was the duty of Lady Wilanya, she was the one who keep the Bloggarians' honesty, she's also the one who made parties in Bloggaria alive. And then, there was Lady Tatriana. She posessed the power of spiritual strength and innocence. Lady Tatriana was responsible in supporting Bloggarians' spiritual health and purity of their minds. And then the last one, Lady Amadhea, she posessed the power of justice and comfort. Lady Amadhea was in charge of keeping everything in Bloggaria fair. Bloggarians also turn to her for comfort and guidance.
You guys know who you are.... ;p
Hehehe, semoga gue ga offend siapa2. jangan pada marah yaa, ini gue cuma lg overly imaginative aja.
Hahaha.. nice imagination, girl!!
I think Wilanya is a cute name ;)
Posted by
wulan |
5:31 PM
Ooooh... Lady Ethina. Keren abissss!!!!
Lady Amadhea, you rock!!!
Posted by
~hApsARi |
7:56 PM
oh just left me out..huhuhu...
Posted by
- |
9:20 PM
cihuyyyyy Dianaris.....keyennnnn;) Nama gue ganti itu aja apa yah di friendster...hmmmmm
Posted by
qt pie |
10:01 PM
etts...tunggu dulu mbak hani, ini ceritanya belom selesai...masih panjaangg, hehehe. Aku gak akan ninggalin mbak hani doong ;p
by the way, buat yg laen, thx ya buat komen2nya, hihi
Posted by
Amanda Supriadi |
10:53 PM
Masak cuman ceweknya doank???? Dunia tanpa cowok garing tauk...........
Posted by
Cygyt |
1:22 PM
Idiiiih, ini Dodol maunya ikutan mulu! Dasar cowok!!! =P
Kata siapa dunia itu garing tanpa cowo, justru kalo nggak ada kita "knightettes" itu, naaah dunia langsung rusak beurat! =)
Right, ladies??!?
Posted by
~hApsARi |
1:38 PM
Jadi kenapa waktu ramayana pada ngecengin co2 cakep? terus kenapa pas rombongan chicago dateng pada ngecengin si rahwana? Haiyoooooooo......:P
Posted by
Cygyt |
3:52 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Posted by
~hApsARi |
5:49 PM
Jangan gitu dong Dol.....ntar kita semua jadi berantem lewat blognya Ms. Cow, he..he.. kasian kan dia??
Kan bukan gue doang yang ngecengin Mas Rahwana. Tanya aja ama si Lady Amadhea and Lady Dianaris. Mereka semua juga bilang kalo dia tuh lumayan ganteng =P
Loe bilang itu juga kan?? Hahahaha....
Eh, ce2x nya chicago lumayan kiyut juga kan??? Hayo...hayo....
Udah ah, malah gue yang having dodol moment sekarang =P
Okay, have to go to class and fight for a parking spot!!!
Posted by
~hApsARi |
5:49 PM
sori cowok here (I'm the author so I know ;p). Hihihi
Posted by
Amanda Supriadi |
9:05 PM
Abo Dja Naunong saiz: Huh, Ktrn si semok tidak ikut.....T_T Tapi si Mr dan Chk melambungkan angan saya yang sedang panik di kala persiapan di hari itu.....^_^
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:56 PM
hi hi hi, Mr.Abo Ja Naunong sir, took me a while to understand your "codes" there ;p
Tapi akhirnya daku mengerti juga, hehehe. Jadi pengen ke Chicago lagi nii
Posted by
Amanda Supriadi |
1:05 AM
Sorry..sorry...numpang lewat azaaaa....Bu Sapi, sorry td malem gue tidur lebih cepet..dikarenakan capek ;( Mo jjl Sabtu yha?
Posted by
qt pie |
8:59 AM
Halo halo... kok pada ribut yaaa??
Manda, biar nggak pada complain, mendingan lo bikin tokoh knight-nya, dan Queen nya. (You know exactly who are gonnabe them! :))
Anyway.. Superbabi jadi apa? Jadi penyihirnya aja ya kalo gitu? Hihihihi..
Posted by
wulan |
10:02 AM
Gue emang mo terusin ceritanya kok, Lan. Belom selesai. Tapi gue nulisnya cuma setiap hari Rabu aja (waktu gue kerja di South), hehehe...
However, kayanya sih tetep ga bakal ada cowoknya kok ;p
Kecuali kalo yg cowok pada mau jadi petani yg lagi lewat aja. Atau lagi nyangkul. Gimana pada mau gak? hihihi
Posted by
Amanda Supriadi |
4:58 PM