Response buat blognya Sigit--bullies?
Baru aja selesai nonton film di ABC Family tadi. Judulnya Hangman's Curse. Ceritanya ttg legenda salah seorang anak high school namanya Abel Frye. He hanged himself because of the bullies. Tiap hari dia dikerjain terus ama bullies di high school itu, dilemparin telor, diketawain, dll. Years later, ponakannya Abel (yg gayanya jg nerdy2 gitu), Sherman, bikin revenge ke bullies di sekolah itu. Dia bikin legend bahwa hantunya Abel bakal ngehantuin bullies di sekolah. Gejalanya, pertama2 mereka bakal dapet grafiti hangman di locker mereka, bbrp waktu kemudian terus mereka bakal ngeliat hantu Abel, trus coma, until finally they'll die.
Trus ada sekeluarga detektif yg ditugasin buat investigate ini, anaknya 2, satu cewek satu cowok, yg cewek disuruh berperan jd yg cool, yg cowok jd nerd (even though he's a cute as hell nerd, pake kacamata, love him..pinter berantem lagi, tapi ga show off, my kind of guy exactly...sigh...), bapaknya jd janitor sekolah, ibunya jd nurse di klinik sekolah.
Ternyata, ujung2nya, legend ttg Abel itu cuma buatan Sherman. Dia manfaatin anak2 bergaya punk (tp aneh, pd defenseless gitu?!) yg sehari2 jadi bulan2an bullies ( jockeys). Sherman bikin mereka percaya sama hantu Abel yg bakal ngebales semua perbuatan bullies itu. Ternyata bullies2 yg coma dikasih racun spider campur pheromones yg bisa bikin hallucination, coma, trus death.
Things got out of hand, spidernya yg tadinya cuma seekor, trus ketemu male spider, they mate, the female ate the male after they mate as usual (for spiders, gituu), trus menghasilkan beribu2 poisonous spider laen.
Wow...things that happened because of bullying..
Hh....that beautiful nerd.......
eh, agak2 besides the point, sori2 ;p hehehehe
Trus ada sekeluarga detektif yg ditugasin buat investigate ini, anaknya 2, satu cewek satu cowok, yg cewek disuruh berperan jd yg cool, yg cowok jd nerd (even though he's a cute as hell nerd, pake kacamata, love him..pinter berantem lagi, tapi ga show off, my kind of guy exactly...sigh...), bapaknya jd janitor sekolah, ibunya jd nurse di klinik sekolah.
Ternyata, ujung2nya, legend ttg Abel itu cuma buatan Sherman. Dia manfaatin anak2 bergaya punk (tp aneh, pd defenseless gitu?!) yg sehari2 jadi bulan2an bullies ( jockeys). Sherman bikin mereka percaya sama hantu Abel yg bakal ngebales semua perbuatan bullies itu. Ternyata bullies2 yg coma dikasih racun spider campur pheromones yg bisa bikin hallucination, coma, trus death.
Things got out of hand, spidernya yg tadinya cuma seekor, trus ketemu male spider, they mate, the female ate the male after they mate as usual (for spiders, gituu), trus menghasilkan beribu2 poisonous spider laen.
Wow...things that happened because of bullying..
Hh....that beautiful nerd.......
eh, agak2 besides the point, sori2 ;p hehehehe
Keep up the good work » » »
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:24 AM