On a sunday night
Tadi abis dr partynya Cochie di apartemennya di Meadows. Happy birthday Cochie! Had a great time at your party! Hehehe...
Sekarang udah jm 1 malem and gue belom bisa bobo, padahal udh capek and ngantuk juga. Akhir2 ini rada2 insomnia neh, kemaren aja baru bisa tidur pas jam 5 pagi and bangun jam 11. Seems like tonight would be like that as well.
2 minggu lagi bakal ada party lagi di tempatnya Tina. Looking forward too, trus mo nonton film serem pula, hehehehe.
Tadi juga liat engagement ringnya ci Lia. eh..engagement apa wedding ring yah itu? Klo marriednya belom, masih disebut engagement ring ya? Trus klo buat yg tuker cincin, cincin yg dipake masih yg sama apa beli lagi yg laen..? Klo gitu berarti cincinnya sama, cuma ganti nama aja dr engagement ring ke wedding ring? Eleuh lieur ya..
Semester akhir ini...agak2 aneh gitu deh rasanya, bad feeling gitu. Kayaknya gue deg2an terus, kayak selalu ada yg hrs dicek, tanggal2 ngumpulin tugas, cara2 bikin tugasnya gimana, dll. Apalagi kelas Strategic Management gue, udh bikin gue nervous gitu. Apa ini gara2 sugesti aja ya? Abinya sebelom gue mulai kelasnya pun, udah ada bbrp temen yg kayanya agak2..gimana yah..afraid for me?(hihihi)for takin the class with Julius Johnson. Even though I had some friends that comforted me as well, but the idea of the professor being mean is already stuck in my head. And the fact that I couldn't understand a single word that he's saying makes it worse. I wish he could just start talking in English and stop saying jargons...! Udah gitu, kelasnya tu digabungin sama graduate students, and they seemed to understand what he's saying...hff...feeling a wee bit intimidated didn't help either. Hehehehe...
Anyway...anyhow..mo start baca novel lagi ah. Novel yg sekarang bkal gue baca judulnya: Nanny in Hiding. hehe..Gue kemaren malem nyelesein satu buku yg gue temuin waktu gue shelf reading di library yg nyeritain detail tentang tenggelamnya Titanic. Judulnya the Titanic-the End of A Dream. The reports gave an eerie chill when I read it last night. I just wish the 1600 victims of the "unsinkable ship" could rest in piece.
Sekarang udah jm 1 malem and gue belom bisa bobo, padahal udh capek and ngantuk juga. Akhir2 ini rada2 insomnia neh, kemaren aja baru bisa tidur pas jam 5 pagi and bangun jam 11. Seems like tonight would be like that as well.
2 minggu lagi bakal ada party lagi di tempatnya Tina. Looking forward too, trus mo nonton film serem pula, hehehehe.
Tadi juga liat engagement ringnya ci Lia. eh..engagement apa wedding ring yah itu? Klo marriednya belom, masih disebut engagement ring ya? Trus klo buat yg tuker cincin, cincin yg dipake masih yg sama apa beli lagi yg laen..? Klo gitu berarti cincinnya sama, cuma ganti nama aja dr engagement ring ke wedding ring? Eleuh lieur ya..
Semester akhir ini...agak2 aneh gitu deh rasanya, bad feeling gitu. Kayaknya gue deg2an terus, kayak selalu ada yg hrs dicek, tanggal2 ngumpulin tugas, cara2 bikin tugasnya gimana, dll. Apalagi kelas Strategic Management gue, udh bikin gue nervous gitu. Apa ini gara2 sugesti aja ya? Abinya sebelom gue mulai kelasnya pun, udah ada bbrp temen yg kayanya agak2..gimana yah..afraid for me?(hihihi)for takin the class with Julius Johnson. Even though I had some friends that comforted me as well, but the idea of the professor being mean is already stuck in my head. And the fact that I couldn't understand a single word that he's saying makes it worse. I wish he could just start talking in English and stop saying jargons...! Udah gitu, kelasnya tu digabungin sama graduate students, and they seemed to understand what he's saying...hff...feeling a wee bit intimidated didn't help either. Hehehehe...
Anyway...anyhow..mo start baca novel lagi ah. Novel yg sekarang bkal gue baca judulnya: Nanny in Hiding. hehe..Gue kemaren malem nyelesein satu buku yg gue temuin waktu gue shelf reading di library yg nyeritain detail tentang tenggelamnya Titanic. Judulnya the Titanic-the End of A Dream. The reports gave an eerie chill when I read it last night. I just wish the 1600 victims of the "unsinkable ship" could rest in piece.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:59 AM
mandaaaa.. update dong blognyaaa... hehehe
Posted by
wulan |
1:50 PM